Sunday, May 31, 2009


Just a special note of thanks on this, Jack's 7-week birthday, for his increased "sleep co-operation." The last few nights, he has treated us to extended nighttime sleeps of 5-ish hours. Thank you, Jack!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Four PMs and a Baby

NMSers Ashley, Sonja, Megan, and Hillary (from left to right) all took turns wooing Jack during a visit this week and he didn't seem to mind at all. (Shocker!) Here, Jack responds to the news Ashley is engaged and, a reuslt, unavailable.

Southern Comfort


An early visit today from Meg, Charlie's mom (and Bart's better half!), all the way from Charelston, SC, produced lots of two-way ogling (see photo on the left). All in all, a very peaceful morning.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Cool Hand Jack


It's not often we feature the work of other photographers on Jack's Place, but this candid shot - which calls to mind Paul Newman in "Cool Hand Luke" - makes the cut. Staff photographer Alex "Icky Boy" Epstein (Stephanie's bro') hit the Jackpot with this one. Happy Friday everyone!

In Character - 3rd Installment


Back by popular demand (go Tara!), here is Jack, starring in his third installment of Vanity Fair's "In Character." Graydon still hasn't called, but we're getting in plenty of rehearsal time here at Studio J.

1. You've just had Chief Justice Roberts shoot down one of the more nuanced arguments of your Supreme Court case. As a constructionist and decidedly "unempathetic" SCJ, Roberts hasn't quite grasped what you're saying. You'll need to explain things to him one-more-time.

2. You've just realized that for the first you have out-pooped your diaper. The small of your back feels funny. Mommy won't be pleased.

3. Chief Justice Roberts is rebutting your rebuttal. You've heard this all before.

Go Sox!


In honor of the Boston Red Sox assuming first place in the AL East (made possible by Toronto's seven-game losing streak), Stephanie wanted me to post a sampling of Jack's fancy footwear. It doesn't get any cuter than this!

Big Al Comes to Town

Uncle Al cleaned up his act and made it down to DC this weekend for a visit with his favorite (and only) nephew. Stephanie's brother Alex is known for his tireless activism both, in New York City ("education reform") and New Orleans, where he has been leading crews of NYC-based high school students in cleaning up the Lower 9th Ward. See the New York 2 New Orleans Coalition website for more info. He is also known for losing iPods, bad haircuts, and his lack of a jump shot.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Real Jack Sparrow

After a prolonged absence, the sun has at last come out in Washington and the sun hat has come out with it. Soon thereafter, we noticed more than a passing resemblance to that inimitable, figmentary pirate, Jack Sparrow. Not to meniton the grunting.

"Slander and calumny!" you say?

In fact, Ken is sure he's heard these words muttered under baby's boozy breath: "The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink; the man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking."

Do we have a pirate on our hands? Ken has made it clear, "The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can’t. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you’ll have to square with that some day."

Click here to see a clip of the top ten lines from Johnny Depp's inspired Captain Jack (from POTC2).

Saturday, May 16, 2009

You Are So Beautiful ... Like Me

Inspired by Danny Gokey (aka, "Hokey Gokey") - voted off of Idol despite an inspired preformance of Billy Preston's classic (better the second night!) - Ken has been singing "You Are So Beautiful" to Baby Jack, but changing the word "to" to "like." This will not surprise those of you who know Ken well, but clearly he is already riding on his son's coattails. Baby Jack is already way more beautiful than Ken ever was. ;)

For music lovers, here's a link to Joe Cocker performing the song live (with original lyrics intact).

The Namesake

Many of you have been asking for some original Jack L. Weber content. We thought we'd wait for Father's Day, but with Ken's mom in town, we're seizing the moment. Here's a photo (of a photo - sorry for the quality!) of Jack and Ken as a baby. The likeness to Ken is uncanny (disconcerting even to a narcissist like Ken - see above post) ... We can only hope he outgrows that. We can also hope he'll live up to his namesake, Big Jack, and that he'll inherit many of Jack's best qualities.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Up, Dawg?

Jack is pretty hands on these days, as he discovers he can increasingly reach for, grab, and hold onto things and generally use his big mitts to exert control over his immediate environment. You would think his "immediate environment" would be small, but with a wingspan measuring approximately 20 inches, we estimate this includes a "sphere of influence" of nearly 17,000 cubic inches (using the formula V = 4/3 × pi ×r3). Suffice it to say, mommy and daddy are getting pawed and clawed and are now subject to SGR (Sudden Glasses Removal). We are defenseless, of course, because we are busy trying not to get peed on - another weapon in Jack's arsenal.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Jack is one month old today and though he technically wore this outfit yesterday, we felt it was too festive to pass up. Happy Birthday Jack!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Daddy's Back at Work

This is what happens to Mommy when Daddy has to go back to work. Because paternity leave is shorter than maternity leave (another classic example of discrimination in the workplace), Ken had to return to his other job this morning at ONE. The honeymoon's over. Just one day after Mother's Day it's a whole different kind of mother's day. Stephanie has to make it to Wednesday before reenforcements arrive in the form of Ken's mom.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Caps' Next Enforcer?

With bruiser Donald Brashear out of the line-up, the Washington Capitals have suffered a cruel fate - overly reliant on their Russians for toughness (a-hem). The Caps have gone from 2-up in their best-of-seven conference semi-final series to down 3-2. Looks like it will end up a best of six. Caps General Manager George McPhee has been on the phone to Windom Place, asking when Baby Jack will be Big Jack and ready for the fourth line. Here Jack shows you his right cross - after he's jersied you, of course. You wanna go?

Four Weeks Old

Jack is four weeks old and two days from his official one-month birthday. He's doing everything right EXCEPT sleeping reliably between night feedings. This has resulted in Jack being grounded for the first seven weekends of 9th grade. He's like R2-D2, grunting, squeaking, beeping, and whistling his way through dreams and half-sleep. Our latest gambit in this asymmetrical war is to plunk him in his car seat for the night. This was met with positive results the first time (from 5:30am-8:30am) but there's no telling what tonight holds. Wish us luck...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Double Shot at Love

Just so you all know what we're dealing with dayindayout and from one moment to the next. Yes, there are room-clearing farts. Yes, there is prodigious poop. Yes, there is projectile pee (NATO should harness this technology). And, yes, there are sleepless nights. But there is also The Cuteness. Here's a good example of that. It's hard to see how he's not just gonna get what he wants.

Action Jackson!

Baby Jack's distinguished guest list was recently bolstered by a visit from one of his (few!) guy pals, Jackson Blumenthal, aka, "Action Jackson" - though, admittedly, he does look a bit more like his dad (see matching, glorious hair). His mom distinguished hereself, too, by bringing a delicious lasagna - oh, and by bearing and giving birth to him!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gangsta in Gingham

Baby J-LoW chillin' before his neighborhood spin today. Pimp my stroller, anyone?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who Will Stop the Rain?

"Long as I remember, the rain been comin' down..." We have not seen the sun in DC for days, it seems, and the pups are wondering when they'll have a dry walk. Or maybe they're just looking out for Jack's next, food-bearing visitor.

Auntie Wa Wa

Come froo dee do'. And into Baby Jack's life forever. One half of the dynamic duo behind the future Red Sox phenom, aka, James O'Hare (shown here in Central Park scouting future Yankee flops), made the trek from NYC down to DC last week to show the rookie parents the ropes. Jack loved the visit and so did his folks. Can't wait to meet you, James!


Baby Jack's entourage expanded by two on Sunday afternoon, with a visit from two of DC's most eligible bachelorettes, Katherine and Luisa. Jack's newest pals proved to be first rate guests b/c they were willing to exchange food for the babe in arms. Clearly, Jack did not mind at all, as you can see from these exclusive, unretouched photos.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Naked Time!

It was bathtime again this weekend, which Jack celebrated in high style by slipping into the baby bath hammock (thanks Sarah C!). Before reuniting with the frog towel, Jack luxuriated (and exfoliated) in a warm soak by the kicthen window. Unrated version of this photo available only to premium subscribers. ;)

Grand Daddies of Them Small

Mother's Day comes up first (as it should!), but the grand old dads - Grandpa and Papou - are stealing the spotlight today. Both Lowell and Richard were on the scene soon after Jack's arrival, braving New Jersey traffic (and rest stops) to get to DC in record time. First up are Gretchen, Lowell and Dana with Jack (Adam, we missed you, pal - were you out clubbing with A-Rod?). The bearded one is Papou, whipering ancient Kosher Greek recipes to Jack as he catches flies.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Is Jack Wolverine?

With "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" opening nationwide this weekend, we couldn't help notice the similarities between our Jack-man and their Jackman. Twentieth Century-Fox's marketing strategy doesn't exactly do much to hide the fact the two Jacks could very well be the same person: Short. Angry. Hairy. Canadian. Three out of four, anyway! NMSers are asking, is it a mere coincidence the film was leaked and Jack was born only a week apart?