Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...


It's a shadow on the ceiling. Jack has a fondness for looking up, at any light source, at the sky, at even the faintest hint of line, shadow, or shape. He'll either be an astronomer or an architect - or maybe a mystic. Day Two for Stephanie back at work... Fingers crossed!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jack Loves His Mama

Today is Stephanie's first day back at work. Dropping Jack off this morning was about as tough as it gets, but he is in good hands with Sonja (and Evie!) and we'll have him back in just a few short hours. Jack is using food to deal with his separation anxiety (how else do you explain a six ounce feeding?!!). He loves his Mom almost as much his Dad does and here's proof: a little nuzzle in the car on the way home from NYC Saturday, on the NJ Turnpike, in the evening light.

Thrill of the Chase


Here Jack is caught in the act of "making the moves" on his (sleeping) new girlfriend, Chase Addison Elena Goetz. Jack is wasting no time - Chase was born last Thursday to proud parents Christal and Eric Goetz. First, Jack checks to see if the parents are otherwise engaged. Then he makes his move, while acting like nothing is going on. Notice, Chase is also "acting" like nothing is going on. ;)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Naked Time!

Even though the lighting gives this a slight "Heeere's Jackie!" quality, we couldn't resist posting it. Jack is very smiley and very talkative first thing in the morning (unlike some other people I know), and here's proof. It's funny b/c it's often 5am and the plan is to "dream feed" him and put him back down, but he's just too excited to get his jammies off and too excited to see his musical friends atop the changing table (see the previous post, All Singing All Dancing).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One fish two fish red fish blue fish

Last night, Jack didn't miss a single page of the glorious 60-something pages of the Dr. Suess classic, One fish two fish red fish blue fish. He jumped on the hump of the Wump of Gump, he boxed the Gox in yellow Gox box socks, and he watched in astonishment as the Yink winked while drinking pink ink.

History of the World, Part I


While Mommy bombed through H&M in search of sweet deals (turns out only deals on baby clothes were to be had), Grandpa Lowell began Jack's home schooling with his patented "History of the World in 30 Minutes" lecture. This began promisingly in prehistoric times, with Jack listening intently. The dinosaurs made things interesting. The Enlightenment and the behavior of certain monarchs grew tiresome. And finally, the Bush Years. Crickets.

Father's Day Dinner at Nick's

The Bug had breast milk and brick oven pizza fumes at Nick's for Father's Day. First dinner out in NYC! From left to right: Adam, Ken, Jack, Dana, Lowell, and Stephanie (photo by Gretchen).

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New York Jack

The startle reflex has turned into the Zen/Karate Kid reflex as Jack maintained his equilibrium while wheeling up and down 3rd Avenue (from 94th to 79th and back again), in rush hour, napping the whole way.

Date Night

This is a photo of (some of) the sweets they bring you at the end of the meal at Thomas Keller's Per Se, where Mommy and Daddy had dinner last night. Selections included tiny rootbeer flavored ribbon candy (cinnamon, too) and a bacon dark chocolate truffle (yes, bacon - we had one in Paul Neaville's honor). Jack is not in the photo b/c he was in the expert care of Lowell, Gretchen, Moose, and Lu - who did a wonderful job looking after him and helping Mommy not to worry. Date night - which lasted for more than three hours! - was a great success. Thanks, Bug!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Soul sistas Stephanie and Beka compared notes on Jack and Charlotte, aka, "Charlie," on Fathers' Day afternoon while the kids played footsie and Ken and Ben rested their weary heads in leather chairs and watched Brasil destroy Italy 3-0. They also watched Bethpage Black destory all but two golfers - who will no doubt succumb on Monday. Or Tuesday. Or whenever they play in this stinkin' rain. Congrats Ben and Beka on your little beauty.

No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn

Jack made his first pilgrimmage to the Beastie's old stomping grounds this morning for brunch with Sarah and Ben. He loved the art, he loved the strange Dutch bird, and he loooved Sarah, the mom-to-be. He thought Ben was a little tall. He can't wait to meet...

Brunchin' wid Kelly & Caleb

Jack played host to the Gibsons for some outdoor brunch last weekend, here displaying his future talent for kicking over tables (photo on the left). Jack's also once again demonstrated his talent for wooing the ladies. "How long you been married to THAT dude," he seems to be saying. Also, "Come with me or I'll squeeze your middle knuckle really hard."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Growth Stock

Jack is "clusterfeeding" (Mommy has another word for it, also involving the prefix "cluster") and he's moved up to the big bottle for Daddy's serving. He is headstrong and neckstrong - headbutts are getting increasingly dangerous - and he prefers not to wear pants.

Nice Dream

Jack rethinking Pythagorean theorem - in his sleep. 100th percentile baby, baby. ;) Notice he's also busted out of his swaddle - little jailbreaker.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Splish Splash


Jack loves a bath.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Case of the Mondays?


Nope, not this guy. Jack has no idea it's Monday. He has no idea Ahmadinejad is claiming victory in Iran, no idea newspapes are dead, and no idea his bluefin tuna will probably be farmed. For now, he is one happy kid (who loves his mama).

Vaccination Schmaccination


Dateline, Chevy Chase, Maryland. Vaccination Day. Seconds after howling at the cruel world he's discovered outside the womb ("4th trimester, my baby ass," he mumbled through mouth bubbles), all pain was forgotten and Jack was back to being himself - calm, expressive, talkative, smiley, and looking more and more like a little boy. Must be the pants!

Friday, June 12, 2009

All Singing All Dancing


Not much needs to be said about these. Jack loves his little musical friends - a lion, a monkey, and a giraffe - or is it a zebra? He is nuts about the tune they play as they go 'round and round above his head, and it makes him sing and dance (the blurriness in the photos is the dancing).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Love You, Man

Even when you have to pee, or work to do, or your butt has gone completely numb, you just can't bring yourself to move a muscle when the Bug is fast asleep on top of you.

Activity Mat-ness

Jack is becoming increasingly interested in the wonders of his activity mat. This tends to draw Parker's attention because for the last 8-plus years all things squeaky, and on the floor, have been his exclusive domain (see photo below).


Here Jack displays three basic responses to stimuli: 1) extend tongue, a la Michael Jordan, for no apparent reason; 2) regard moving and/or noisy object as something that may be of mild, passing interest (also known as the "meh" response); or 3) feign shock and delight at the sheer excitment of the thing, in this case an octopus with only five legs (we call it a "quintupus").

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jack on the Lawn

The Lawn at the University of Virginia is a many storied thing. From coveted dorms (and Lawnies) to running naked to secret society rituals to reunion weekends, the Lawn has seen it all. Jack added his own traditon this weekend, by stretching out on a blanket in a pavillion garden on the Lawn during the Pi Phi reunion lunch. Later that evening, he dined with hundreds of new friends from the Class of '99 in front of the Rotunda. And Sunday morning he toured the Law School grounds, which met his approval - great for cruising in the Bugaboo! Go Hoos!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Here's a candid shot of Jack and Ken getting caught staying up past their bedtime - reading "comic books" under the covers. "But you said we could stay up late," came the protest. "I didn't say you could stay up ALL NIGHT," said Mom, uttering what will surely become a common refrain in years to come.

Boardroom Coup (rhymes with Poop)

Possibly signalling future prowess in the boardroom, Jack wasted no time Saturday turning the UVA board room - which was strangely set aside as a "nursing mother's room" as part of UVA's Reunion Weekend - into his personal domain (translation: latrine). Thus, Jack notched his first corporate takeover. Here he is, after the fact, letting the board know what he thinks of them. Citicorp is next.

Happy Bath Goof

Jack is pretty animated after baths. He bears no absolutely resemblance whatsoever to the subject of Degas' masterpiece - or any other women who appear in so many "after the bath" paintings - but he is pretty darn cute, so here you go: This is after-the-bath photo #67, "The Happy Bath Goof" (to be read in the voice of the Westminster Dog Show PA annoucner, Michael J. LaFave).