Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween PJs

You've all seen the pumpkin costume (if you haven't, see below), but have you seen the Halloween PJs? Well, here they are. Also, note, Jack is just about too long for the swing! Oh no!!

Afternoon Nap - Fail

Imagine our surprise when we turned on the monitor to see if Jack was going down for his afternoon nap - on another floor - to see this. He had made his way up to the other end of his crib and was apealing directly into the camera to be relieved of his napping duties. Which he was because he never did go down. The kid knows where the camera is and he knows we're watching it. Hilarious.

Swine Line

Last Saturday, Jack braved a 700-person line, a little rain, a three-hour wait (including nap), and a sharp needle, but he is now H1N1 vaccinated. Many thanks to the nurses, volunteers, and Wilson High School (Jack's eventual high school?).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Three Course Meal

Ok, not really - but if you count the teething keys, the fruits and veg (sweet potato and prunes) and the sippy cup, it makes for quite an adventure.

More Cowbell

For those of you asking for more horizontal stripes - which is like asking for more cowbell - here's Jack, milliseconds after his morning nap today. All smiles.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Mind of a Quarterback

A week ago we were thinking he might be O-line material, but now he is clearly showing the football IQ to play the QB position. Here he hikes it and tucks it away with the veteran calm of a Tom Brady. He also threw plenty of incomplete passes (like, say, a Jason Campbell), but those tend to be harder to photograph.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween Party

Yesterday, we repatriated to Windom Place for the 8th annual Halloween Block Party. The block part of it was rained out, of course (seven straight days of rain here), but the party continued indoors at the Stein's, where our little Jack O'Lantern was a big hit. Here he looks for his right foot inside his pumpkin costume (thanks Maija!!).

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mr. Jack's Neighborhood

More morning joy from the little man who never fails to fill up our first couple hours with big smiles and exotic bird calls. Jacks's beautiful blue sweater was handmade with love by Owen's mom, Sarah M.

Thursday Night Supper Club

After greeting Joelle with a quivering bottom lip - which we feared might be the beginning of the dreaded xenophobic phase - Jack quickly warmed up to his guests. He was soon holding court and spinning baby yarns, not only with Joelle, but also Margaret, aka, Marge, aka, Rachel (from Glee). He later told us he wanted Thursday Night Supper Club to be a regular thing and a new tradition.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Scuba Suit

45 degrees in Warshington this morning, so we bundled Jack up in his flannel scuba suit, which has foldover mittens and foot warmers. Ingenious. Btw, has anyone noticed that gorgeous woman carrying him around?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Six Months Tall

DATELINE, Chevy Chase, MD - In a surprising development given his paternal line, Jack Lowell Weber has reportedly shot up the growth charts today, well into the upper percentiles, measuring just a smidge over 27 inches. Here he is standing ramrod straight, with a look on his face that says, "Dad, in another six months, I will be dunking on you."

Looks for Fall, Part 2

Jack thought the sweater was maybe a bit too preppy, so he donned the butternut squash cap. (Thanks Mollie!) Notice how in the first photo, Jack's cheeks mimic the shape of the bottom of a butternut squash.

Looks for Fall

Jack has been keeping warm in his fall gear, including this yummy sweater from Ara and Soren. Thanks boys, thanks Maija! Yesterday we bundled up and walked through the neighborhood looking at cement fiber siding. What passes for excitement these days. OK, it wasn't our neighborhood. It was the neighborhood with all the really great siding. And the onboxiously large houses. But with nice siding. You get the idea.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Six Months, Baby!


Monday, October 12, 2009. Jack is six months old today. Yeah, we're pretty happy about it, too. Way to go, little guy! We love you so much!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ready for the O Line

Jack's floor time is getting more varied by the day. Consecutive rollovers, extended tummy time, thinking about sitting up on his own. The repertoire of facial expressions continues to expand, as well. (Apologies for the argyle and polkadots, btw, but wait until you see tomorrow's post!)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Friday

Gratuitous supercute pitcure post. What else can you say about this guy? Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here, Parker, Parker

Lately, Jack has started to notice and watch the dogs. The other day he noticed Parker sitting in the room but looking the other way. So he squealed at him. Parker came over to see what was up, to check Jack for food, and maybe to get a little lick in. Jack seems to be saying, "Yeah, I'm talking to you. You come when I call you!"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day Three


It's Day Three without mama and the kids are alright. Jack put in another solid eleven hours of uninterrupted sleep last night and woke up with a great big smile - again. Full diaper, too. What more can you ask?

Jack also chose his own socks this morning and I am more than a little concerned. He could've gone for the solid brown but instead reached for the baby blue argyles. He mumbled something about them going better with the tan cord cargos. As if there was any doubt.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

When Rhinos Attack...


Jack, they are quickly subdued. With a hug and a horn nibble. It's Day 2 of Mommy's "business trip" to Stargate Universe and Caprica. (I swear I am not making that up - see Caprica Official Promo 2009.) So far so good, but we can't wait for the lady of the house to return!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I Want My Mommy


Very (very) early this morning Mommy left for Vancouver (could she go any further away without getting closer again?). Jack gave me some quizzical looks at various points during the morning routine, but he was as jovial as ever, and wolfed down his bottle and vitamins. He also chose this special outfit for the occasion. We miss you, Mommy!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Afternoon


The Copeland-Webers enjoyed a sunny fall afternoon of the "new normal" today... Jack was a cool customer strollering to Friendship Heights for a little shopping (an elephant mobile and alphabet cards at Giggle), a light lunch (on the patio at Clyde's) and a look-and-feel tour of the many texured-sculpture at Wisconsin and Western Avenues. Jack spent most of the lunch on the table (is that a health-code violation?), then hopped into his mama's arms to do his koala-bear-with-sunglasses impersonation.

San Francisco Visit(or)

On Thursday, Jack hosted Emme's Mom, Meg Garlinghouse, for dinner. Meg had Thai while Jack dined on cereal and homemade sweet potato, pears and prunes. In his underwear (naturally!). Meg told Jack he was "seriously cute" and added a smooch for good measure.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Jack 'n' Claire


Jack's roster of girlfriends continues to hold steady at "unlimited," with no apparent end in sight. Here, he lets Claire know he remembers she was first on the scene when he came into this world - nearly six months ago!!


Our little butterball loves his fresh fruits and vegetables and seems to have caught on to the fact that when Daddy is slicing and dicing, it's gonna end up in his belly. So he's taken to fingering the raw material, as seen here. So far sweet potato and prunes are his faves.