Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Strawberry Ice Cream

Third time's a charm for Jackie for many new foods. Last week, he had his first ice cream (in Harbour Town) and he wasn't too sure. The second time, a few days later, he fared a little better. The third time, as you can see here, the joy of ice cream sets in. Then he tries his own spoon, then his hand, then both hands, then his face.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One is the New 21

What better way celebrate your first birthday than with a hearty, malty, American beer. Like an Anchor Steam. For those of you thinking of calling child services, this was all Jack. You can't blame me beer comes in bottles!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cupcake Madness V


Final installment. Cupcake demolition complete, Jack goes Hulk and declares victory. Next up: beer. (One is the new twenty-one.)

Cupcake Madness IV


Now we're gonna get into it. Jack shows he is fairly ambidextrous (when it comes to food). Also note the eye-hand-toungue co-ordination. And, finally, the sharing. "Mom, you sure you don't want somma this?"

Cupcake Madness III


Our story picks up where we left off: with Jack on the brink of his first taste of Cupcake Madness. It's wonder in photo 1, exploration in photo 2, "Are you sure about this?" in photo 3, and the taste test in photo 4.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cupcake Madness II


Step two, Getting to Know Your Cupcake. This one had a particularly thick head on it, which enabled Jack to sink his fingers in before his teeth soon followed. Again, it's the second photo here which is priceless. He can scarcely believe he's being presented with such an unbridled opportunity - and a new world.

Happy Birthday, Jack!


In the first of what will be several "Cupcake Madness" installments (including some video if I can figure it out), here's Jack on the eve of his first birthday as he is introduced to the cupcake. In the second photo, you can see the mesmerized eyes, the wheels turning in his still-developing brain... You can literally sense the cupcake DNA getting activated and then, just like that, it's on. And he's gloriously in love. With a cupcake.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We're #1!

No, he's not going to Duke (even if it's his safety school and they offer him a full ride). He's telling us that tomorrow he'll be one year old and that he won't have to listen to us any more (than he does now). Stay tuned for Cupcake Madness photos tomorrow!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Things That Make You Go Mmmm

Jack donned his fisherman's sweater for a Friday night date at Blacksalt tonite. He toured the fish (which are beautiful there), then dined on fish 'n' chips and mac 'n' cheese - things that make him go "mmmm." He charmed the ladies (successfully) and tried to charm the fish (not so much). Another great date night for the mom and dad. Thanks, Bug!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Just around five in the afternoon yesterday, a week shy of his first birthday, Jack's Tonka Truck gene was switched on. We don't know how - Jack's previous experience with toy trucks is non-existent - but it did. While flying high on the swing, and surveying all that the playground had to offer, he started to point. And to say, imploringly, "duh!"(rhymes with the first part of "truck"). I walked him over to the area he was pointing and he got very excited and clearly wanted to be put down by this truck (see photo). He then became a very happy little boy and started loading the truck up with wood chips, occasionally pausing to put one in his mouth. A few minutes later he was making, "brooom, brooom" noises and we were wondering who's kid this was. Maybe he's been observing more than we thought on the job site...