Sunday, February 28, 2010

Golden Boy


Photo 1, "So this is why Daddy's been acting like an insane eight-year old for two weeks."

Photo 2, "How much time is left? This lead does not look built to last."

Photo 3, "Shit, they actually tied it. Why is Daddy on the floor?"

Photo 4, "Overtime is brutal. Since when do we dump and chase four-on-four?"

"Photo 5, "That's good, right? I've never seen Daddy jump around like that."

Saturday, February 27, 2010



With kids, you look for the early signs. The ball skills at three months (presumably from dad), as reported and pictured right here on this blog. The clapping in rhythm at six months (definitely from mom). Then at ten months, he did this. We were at T.W. Perry, looking at door handles. Instead of looking at them, instead of just touching them, he climbed them. Freestyle. And he did it in seconds flat. (We have no idea.)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bumpin' Up and Down

In my not-so-little Red Wagon. Daddy brought the wagon home and Mama built it. Mama has skills. Here's Jack checking out his pimped out ride, complete with saddle bag, sun/rain canopy (attached to the right-hand side of the wagon), and not one, but two cup holders. (The pillow is from the couch.) Jack has been riding around the house in high-style... We can't wait for the snow to melt!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lord Stanley?

Jack wasted no time in lifting the "Puff Cup" high above his head this morning, apparently in celebration of Team Canada's 8-nuthin' opening skate against the Norwegians in Vancouver last night. Is he also foreshadowing something further down the road? Will he be hoisting Lord Stanley's Cup in 2035?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gift for Comedy?

There is something vaguely Don Rickles about this routine. First, Jack makes like he's gonna get out of his chair (which he is any day now - he's been standing up in it lately). Second, he acts like he'll *never* get out of his chair ("Help!") (Also note mom's expression.) Finally, he lets on that he's been kidding the whole time. And, as if he understands the importance of a comedic accent, he is doing all this wearing no pants and dark socks.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No Man is an Island

But he can certainly have lunch on one. Yesterday, Jack christened the kitchen island as the first to eat there - even though we are a long way from being able to eat there ourselves.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Little Polar Bear


Here's Jack, with ruddy cheeks and hat head, sporting his (our?) favorite polar bear t-shirt. Look closely, you can see all four teeth!

SnOMG! 3


More scenes from this weekend's wintry streetscape. First photo is Maddie and Parker contemplating the blank canvas (for making yellow snow). Photo 2 is Jack's view from his sled bed (he was transfixed by these trees, minutes before dusk). Photo 3 is the edge of the storm after days with no sun. More snow headed our way tomorrow, apparently - another 6-12 inches.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SnOMG! 2


After exploring the snowy world, we returned home in darkness (black and white). But Jack was still lighting it up under the streetlights. Ensconced in his Tootsie Pop snowmobile suit, he was much less inert than he was for his first snowstorm. He was smiling, pointing, and generally enjoying himself. Good night, snow.



Jack got a second bite at the apple yesterday, with the second big dump of the year pummeling DC this Friday and Saturday. Here's the first compilation of fun, with the whole clan - and seemingly the whole town - getting out to enjoy the winter wonderland. In the third photo, if you look closely, you can see Jack doing rollercoaster hands. In the fourth photo, you can see him pointing at the street light, which he did for nearly every one all the way home.

Who's Blog Is This Anyway?

As we've established, Jack loves anything technology related, especially Blackberries and laptops. You would think he's being entertained here by some kind of interactive kids' thing, but he's not. He's into whatever's on screen, including email, E*TRADE, and of course, this blog.

Stay tuned for photos from Snowtorious B.I.G....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day

The 2nd huge snowstorm of the year hit Washington yesterday, the biggest since 1983, with nearly 30 inches falling in our neighborhood. Nicknames include Snowmageddon, Snowpocalypse II, SnOMG, a couple we can't mention, and our favorite, Snowvechkin! On Saturday morning, Jack contemplated the impending cabin fever, but he would soon be out there, in the middle of the action. Stay tuned for photos!