Saturday, January 29, 2011


Today was a day of looking up for Jack... Big bears (brown and polar) at the Museum of Natural History (DC version) and, later, a Bob the Builder balloon he spotted at Safeway. (Never even noticed they had balloons before.) Now, there's grabbing the bull by both horns, then there's grabbing both the bear by both paws...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Two Man Bobsled

Winter wonderland today for Jack and Evie, who bundled up and hit the hill for Olympic training. Camerman Robin Leach/Crocodile Dundee adds to the excitement with his commentary and cinema verite hand-held style... Evie, as the anchorwoman, is relaxed and jovial, while her frontman, Jack, is deep in concentration, squinting coolly into the camera. Then Jackie counts it off and they go hurtling down the hill, narrowly avoiding a hugh snow covered boulder which the four supervising adults (ie, parents) noticed only *after* the run.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


"Screwdriver!" Jack exclaimed, as he grabbed the handles of this junior foosball table (at Pottery Barn Kids). "Soccer! Kick it!!" he said. Then he sat down to the business of playing out the 2022 World Cup in Qatar (really?), in its entirety. The eventual winner? "Germany," he said. (Really!)

Le Petit Jacques

Something reminded me of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince in Jack's posture (and insouisance) here, with the billowy blue pants and the feet poking out. "Too big, Mommy," he said. Then he ripped his lats, striking a bodybuilder's pose.