Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Continuing on the theme of irresistable mischievousness, Jack has been enjoying his recent status as a hooded fugitive. Today he decided he'd wear daddy's hat (that's the fake smile he's developed for posed photos). Later he pulled it down just enough to disappear into the nap zone.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Elton Jack


The top floor at Neiman Marcus will never be the same. Jack wasted no time in drowning out the soothing piano being piped into to Neiman's hallowed floors of overpriced items, though I will admit I briefly considered liberating this instrument. Jack ripped right into his ABCs, Eric Lewis style. Grand, baby, grand.

Uncommon Criminal

Jack broke into Williams Sonoma this afternoon and immediately attempted to heist his favorite kitchen implement (note right hand). Wanted posters went up pretty quickly in Friendship Heights, not so friendly, as it turns out, to a wisk thief. Jack made for the escalator, then the elevator (he loves words starting with 'e' and involving machinery)... As you can see by the second pose, he scoffs in the general direction of any member of local law enforcment foolish enough to think they might make a name for themselves by "mixing it up" with Jack the Wisker.

Storytime with Grandma Mimi

Jack got some extra reading in - and some extra TLC - over the Christmas weekend from Grandma Mimi (Stephanie's mom), who appears to be running Jack through "Baby's Christmas," but who is really schooling him on Jim Morrison's singular brilliance (and innocence!).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Edge


More Christmas joy, including a contractor's toolset (thanks Andrew!), an electric guitar, Euro-looking building blocks, and, of course - what toychest would be complete without it? - a Mr. Potato Head (thanks NMS Prize Closet!).

Christmas Elf


A talking alphabet bus, fish magnets, the electric guitar (see photo, above). Each of these and more were introduced to Jack this morning, to his great wonder and delight. The irony, of course, is that Stephanie stayed up 'til midnight assembling a trainset (far right) that we never got to (it's in the basement). So tomorrow morning it'll be Christmas all over again when he lays eyes on the thing he thought Santa was bringing him in the first place.

The Santa Clause


Somewhere it is written that parents are allowed to lie to their kids about Santa Claus. And sex. (Hopefully we're a few years away from that.) For now, it's all about the Santa yarn, consecrated here by the physical evidence left behind by Santa's midnight trip down the Weber-Copeland chimney: an eaten cookie, a drunk glass of milk, and a nibbled piece of celery (Daddy glazed all the carrots for dinner). As you can see, Mommy is selling hard and Jackie is skeptical, but he's buying - so far.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Big Boy Do It, Part II

Jack was turned loose for the first time today at Whole Foods, which thankfully was pretty sparsely populated as he tore up and down the aisles, introducing himself to members of the Tenley team and helping himself to products that caught his eye (Niman Ranch apple cinnamon sausage, Whole Foods whole grain pancake-waffle mix, Veggie Pirate Booty, and Cheesy Bugs mac 'n' cheese). He insisted on walking not riding and he insisted on dragging, then carrying, the basket. The phrase he employed - as he does dozens of times a day now - was, "Big boy do it!" Here he is getting ready for the clean and jerk.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You Say Liberry, I Say...

Library! "Moving furniture is an activity of paramount importance for two-year olds," the librarian pointed out (somewhat admonishingly), as Jack attempted to rearrange every chair on the 2nd floor of the Chevy Chase Library. Once we talked him out of that, he set upon pulling as many books as possible from the stacks (see photo). Eventually we settled on a few "board books" and some Eric Carles, which we signed out.

Friday, November 26, 2010



Ever notice how circular Thanksgiving is? Well, Jack did. "Circulo," he said, and that's when I realized they were everywhere. I also realized Thanksgiving fare often looks better being made then it does on the plate - where mushy textures, muted colors, and crowding are the norm. :)

Sous Chef


Here's Jack getting involved in the Thanksgiving prep, with his own (plastic) knife. These sweet potatoes, which were eventually roasted in brown butter and sherry with sage and thyme, were "twice-cut" - once by me then again by Jack (after they'd been put back together). The result was irresistable and Jack had his fill.



Jack was self-appointed sous chef yesterday (see post above), checking on the turkey every so often. "Pavo, see it!" and "Turkey, check it!" he exclaimed every half hour or so. Our 17 lb heritage bird, which cooked in less than three hours, was succulent and delicious.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Peking Gourmet Inn #2


Almost a year after he first visited the famous Peking Gourmet Inn as a spectator, Jack returned ready to participate. He gobbled Peking "pato" - and quacked before doing so - and he put away big boy helpings of fried rice, some of which he ate with his hands (see photo). He even had a little scallop in black bean sauce... And he loved his fortune cookie. Chillin' in the big boy booth.

Big Boy Do It

One of Jack's favorite things to say is, "Big boy do it!" or, in this case, "Big boy swing!"

Paydown & Bound

Here's Jack wrapped up for an early morning trip to the playground (the aforementioned "paydown") on Saturday. These layers all came off about an hour later, when the temperature hit what seemed like 80 degrees. Another beautiful fall day!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jack Folds Five

Here's Jack banging away for his assembled audience of two, which he has conveniently placed on the sheet music ledge. This morning, he refused to play without their full and undivided attention. (Note the one-key chords.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Boy

From one day to the next, Jack can seem like more and more of a little boy. It just hits us. Here he is in his new Padraig Cottage slippers (from North Vancouver). Good call, Delaney!

Sunday, October 31, 2010



A moment you've all been waiting for, Jack as a sentient being, forced into a bumble bee costume for Halloween and (mostly) loving it. But for a brief staredown with another little girl dressed as a bee, Jack was his outgoing self today, buzzing the Windom Place block party, then having his first bite of Twix bar at Sophie and Duncan's. On Friday, he made an appearance at Ken's noisy office party, ate dozens of goldfish and thrilled onlookers with a repertoire of dance moves. Note: His now frequent requests for "beer" and "wine" (usually in the reverse order) have thusfar been denied.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

(Close) Shave and a Haircut


Two half blocks away sits Camillo's, the throwback barbershop of Tenleytown. (Bill Strathmann has been getting his haircut there "since he was a kid," to give you some idea - now that's old!) Jack braved the chair for for the first time and nearly made it through without tears, but they came as soon as Diane brought the scissors around to the front. A lollipop saved the day, but not before many hairs, and a few tears, were shed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For the Birds


En route from LA to Cambria, we pulled off 101 for a short pitstop in Santa Maria for some playground time (Jack says, "paydown!"). Lovely Waller park it was. After riding a dinosaur and bruising Daddy's tailbone on a very bumpy and somewhat curiously designed slide, we headed for - yep, you gussed it - a bench. We sat down, got lunch going (from Joan's on 3rd - yum)... And then the birds came. They were not shy at all.

Life's funny... You find yourself at 18-months old sitting on a park bench feeding the birds and then some 75 years later you may find yourself right back where you started. And smiling and babbling and maybe drooling just the same.

Pac Heights


Jackie loves a park bench, especially one with a view like this, and he doesn't mind a mushroom tart (ie, pizza) from Boulangerie in San Francisco either. Once again, he had a front row seat for the Blue Angels as they buzzed the hills of Pacific Heights - and, on at least one flyover, set off a bunch of car alarms, something I'm sure they love to do.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beach Boy

Here's Jack, a week before his 18-month birthday, sporting some sharp hand-me-down preppy threads in Cambria, CA (thanks Maija!).

Big Heavy


In beautiful Cambria, California, Jack discovered driftwood. And he did his best pre-gubernatorial Ahh-nold impersonation, saying, "BEEG heavy!!" as he hoisted this log. Which we told him he couldn't do. Which he went ahead and did. Atta boy, Jackie.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Farm Fresh

This weekend, Jack headed out to Purcellville, VA, to visit Moutoux Orchard, a third-generation, family owned and operated farm located in Loudoun County, Virginia, near the town of Wheatland. Jack tilted at roosters, drew quizzical looks from sheep, and was treated to a personal hay ride, complete with farm "puppa dawgs" (see photo).

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ocean Dip

Dateline, Blue Hill, Maine, dwindling days of summer. As you can tell from these photos, Jack could not get enough of the crisp-brisk ocean water of Blue Hill Bay. Each time we dunked him, the look on his face suggested a parallel universe of pure, uninhibited joy, as he asked again and again to be "dipped." The adults also braved these invigorating depths, taking lovers' leaps and leaps of faith once or twice a day, but Jack was in the drink dozens of times without a moment's hesitation. Someone suggested toddlers have yet to develop cold water receptors, but we know this isn't the case based on Jack's less than enthusiastic response to Echo Lake last year (for the video evidence see Echo Lake Dip (aka "Baptism Fail")

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Alternately, how to look cool, like you are on Entourage, while wearing a swim diaper. A wet swim diaper. Here's Jack, post dip, showing off the guns and the generally sculpted upper body. He declared "ah-duh", extended his hand for help out of the (36-inch-by-36-inch) kiddie pool (see "Carl Spackler," below) and clambered up onto the patio furniture. Like he owned it. Which of course he does.

How Much for the Zebra?


The endangered zebra, that is. In full camouflauge, and from the comfort of his stroller, Jack went zebra hunting yesterday at the National Zoo (which, incidentally, was pretty sparsely populated by viewable animals). Like any good tracker, he first consulted the map, then peered intently into the field. After spotting (striping?) one, he inquired with a local as to thier asking price. He ultimately decided against it, upon learning these particular East African "'bras" were engangered (down to 2,500) and upon seeing that, up close, they were actually brown and white, not black and white. Good eye, Jackie.

Carl Spackler

Continuing on a theme, here's Jack doing an impromptu impersonation of the unforgettable Carl Spackler. There's no mistaking the resemblance.
Jack/Carl: "This place got a pool?"
Ty Webb: "Pond and a pool... Pond'd be good for you."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Joker


Jackie went to town on a homemade mixed berry yogurt-sicle yesterday - for what we like to call "lunch-dessert." It was pretty risky business considering the deep purple color (and the actual berries used in making it), but we didn't spill a drop! Depsite worrying that the popsicle was too "hot-tah," Jack dove in and almost instantly became the Joker, more Nicholson than the late, great Ledger, but maybe a combo. In photo 3, he's saying, "Do I really look like a guy with a plan?" :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Shrimp Dumplings!


Jack tasted shrimp dumplings for the first time today and quite liked them. His strategy of sleeping through the where-to-have-lunch discussion and most of the actual lunch worked perfectly, as the adults chose a fancy place (instead of a park bench somewhere, with string cheese and dry Cheerios and "honey sticks"). So he sampled Ten Penh's dumpings and sat in a big boy chair and actually used the silverware (but we won't show that picture because it could get daddy in trouble with mommy). Yum!

Daddy Camp - Day One


Day One of the (2nd) annual test of daddy's ability to get thru a week without mommy went off without any major incidents today... We began with a Metro ride (Jack insisted on holding onto the pole) to the National Aquarium, which is naturally located in the basement of the Department of Commerce Building (??). Yes, there was a shark, but in this photo there are alligators! Later we had lunch at Ten Penh (see next entry), then it was back to the ranch for a homemade mixed berry popsicle ("poppy") (see topmost entry). And, of course, somewhere in there, there was Turtle Park (third photo), which is really two parks in one...

Sunday, August 8, 2010


An instant classic here - and maybe a sign of the times. In the first photo, you see Jack effortlessly pumping iron. In the second, you see him "refueling" with a special sports "cocktail" prepared for him by his trainer - aka, his mom. In the third photo, you see him calling for more "juice," as he prepares to up the weight and go to two barbells. Two tickets to the gunshow, please!

Sunday, August 1, 2010



Jack covered two new vocations yesterday, including fire fighter (see below) and mail carrier. Daddy actually remembers playing postoffice as a toddler (with an old Chivas box, not a mailbox, exactly - mom, what's up with that?), and Jackie took to it naturally, delivering and undelivering the mail with plenty of commentary (including open, close, door, mail, mailbox, and all done). He didn't particularly like the oversize American Express mailer, either. He's ready for the USPS!

Fire Truck


Yesterday, we took a stroll down the block to the local firehouse only to find ... no firetrucks. They were out on a call. So Jack checked out the poles (and the clamshell - great idea!). He checked out the ambulance and the flashing lights (thanks Bob!). Then the firetruck came back - and backed into the firehouse, right under Jackie's nose! Talk about wide eyed. Then the big firefighter, Gardner, said, "Hop on in!" To which both Jack and dada said, "Really?!" "Sure!" he said. So in Jack hopped - into the real live firetruck. Jack showed no hesitation and felt right at home up high in the truck. He grabbed the wheel, then posed for photos, then asked, "How old before I can sign up?!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

Speaking His Mind

Fair haired (for now) and speaking his mind in the late afternoon sun. This weekend, things got pretty verbal. Jackie has been adding words and word combos to his repertoire at a furious pace - including "repertoire" and "furious" (kidding!). But in the past few days he has added to alligator and umbrella, knife, cut, onion, eggs, peach, pot, pan, pool, nina, nino, bravo, window, papa, train, dumptruck, backpack, bandaid, poppyseed, upside down, and "under there." He's also saying "more pasta" (sounds like "mo pata") and some strings that sound like "I don't know" and "I have no idea" (which of course he generally doesn't, so says this quite a lot). Yesterday he also added "boom boom," which he's learned is the sound of thunder.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Growing Boy

Sorry for the time between posts, everyone. As Ferris says, life moves pretty fast ... especially when you're chasing Jackie around. It's been in the high 90s with "feels like" temperatures (and car thermometer readings) well over 100 for twelve straight days now. We finally got some rain (and nearly a tornado) this afternoon, after which it was (briefly) cool enough to head over to Hearst playground.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Not so much. Jackie was tuckered out well before fireworks this 4th of July. And he slept thru those, too. Fountain madness at Turtle Park will do that to a kid.

Monday, June 14, 2010

England 1, USA 1 (??)

Even with Becks on the sideline in a Harry Potter suit, England could not shake the Yanks, who were given the gift of the century by the English keeper (the "Hand of Clod"). Here Jack does his best Becks impression (with completely self styled faux-hawk), saying one goal is all it takes to draw with the Three Lions!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

World Cup Fever

With the first ever World Cup in Africa a week away, Jack got his kicks on the fresh turf of Picnic Area Number 5 under the Brooklyn Bridge. He would walk, swing, kick, hit/miss, then fall down and laugh hysterically. Then he'd say "mo!" - which means "more!" You can see the early form for future goal celebrations in photo 3.

Swing with a View

Jack got to help break in the new Brooklyn Bridge Park on Saturday ("Picnic Area Number 5"). Talk about well appointed. Where else can you enjoy a leisurely schwing with a view of the Brooklyn Bridge, Lower Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty - and boats! Note the hallmark crossed legs and balletic finish.

Acoustic or Electric?

Or both! White Jack shows his uncle Alex "Axeman" Epstein he's got early chops by grabbing and working the whammy bar. Later he settled in for more of an unplugged feel, strumming his mom's old guitar (and fiddling with anything that looked like a button). Buh!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Stone Barns

Yesterday we drove from from New York City to Pocantico Hills (near Tarrytown, NY) to visit chef Dan Barber's Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture. The farm is a remarkable place. It showcases a dynamic, locally-driven, and ultimately sustainable approach to agriculture and food. It's also a lot of fun. Jack got up close and personal with turkeys, sheep, chickens, Berkshire pigs, and even honey bees. Then he gobbled up some tasty lunch in the cafe. What a great day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Many of you have been asking about Evie, Jack's BFF with whom he spends nearly every day (when she's not jetsetting off to Arkanas and flinging blueberry YoBaby all over her fellow airplane passengers). They are two peas in a pod and always seem to greet each other with a smile and a partial word of some kind. Note Jack's hallmark hang dog leg crossing.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Strike a Pose

As you can tell from these photos, Jack has no trouble recognizing himself in the mirror these days (the source of this trait is a matter of some debate). Here, he strikes a pose for his adoring audience (and the camera, which you can see on the left).

What's for Dinner II

Sauteed green and yellow rings, with a farm fresh (plastic) egg. Working with available ingredients, building flavor. That'll be $23.95, please.

What's for Dinner?

Jack is already a fine cook (as you'll see from the next post). If only he could see the top of the stove. Way to go Bug, standing tall!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gone Fishin'

For those of you who feel like this at 2:07 in the afternoon. You can almost see the imaginary fishing pole in Jack's hand as he snoozes his way through Turtle Park's May Fest - his second annual.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dunk City


Who would have thought Lebron James would be watching the Eastern Conference Finals on television while ex-Raptor Vince Carter put up 23 in Orlando's Game 1 loss to the Celtics? Maybe the Cavs could have used Jack. For the past few days, he's been dunking on everybody his new family room, thanks to this sweet hoop set-up from Uncle Dan and Aunt Stephanie. I'm not even sure we showed him what to do, but here he is doing it. Workin' on a scholarship...

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Difference Between Mommy and Daddy


Son wants beer, asks Dad, Dad gives Son beer. Simple. Son wants beer, asks Mom for beer, Mom denies Son beer. Son says, "Bah!" and chugs his water instead. All this took place at Poe's in Charleston (on Sullivan's Island) where, despite not having any beer, Jack freely socialized with the locals. Stay tuned for visual evidence of that.

Bathtub Idol

Hi everyone, sorry there haven't been many posts lately. Three weekends of travel and the homestretch of the renovation have us running around like chickens. Oh, and we're increasingly having to chase and monitor Jack - he is an adventure seeking speed demon. Here he is in the bath, thinking about standing up, even though he has been told this is "inadvisable."