Saturday, November 27, 2010

You Say Liberry, I Say...

Library! "Moving furniture is an activity of paramount importance for two-year olds," the librarian pointed out (somewhat admonishingly), as Jack attempted to rearrange every chair on the 2nd floor of the Chevy Chase Library. Once we talked him out of that, he set upon pulling as many books as possible from the stacks (see photo). Eventually we settled on a few "board books" and some Eric Carles, which we signed out.

Friday, November 26, 2010



Ever notice how circular Thanksgiving is? Well, Jack did. "Circulo," he said, and that's when I realized they were everywhere. I also realized Thanksgiving fare often looks better being made then it does on the plate - where mushy textures, muted colors, and crowding are the norm. :)

Sous Chef


Here's Jack getting involved in the Thanksgiving prep, with his own (plastic) knife. These sweet potatoes, which were eventually roasted in brown butter and sherry with sage and thyme, were "twice-cut" - once by me then again by Jack (after they'd been put back together). The result was irresistable and Jack had his fill.



Jack was self-appointed sous chef yesterday (see post above), checking on the turkey every so often. "Pavo, see it!" and "Turkey, check it!" he exclaimed every half hour or so. Our 17 lb heritage bird, which cooked in less than three hours, was succulent and delicious.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Peking Gourmet Inn #2


Almost a year after he first visited the famous Peking Gourmet Inn as a spectator, Jack returned ready to participate. He gobbled Peking "pato" - and quacked before doing so - and he put away big boy helpings of fried rice, some of which he ate with his hands (see photo). He even had a little scallop in black bean sauce... And he loved his fortune cookie. Chillin' in the big boy booth.

Big Boy Do It

One of Jack's favorite things to say is, "Big boy do it!" or, in this case, "Big boy swing!"

Paydown & Bound

Here's Jack wrapped up for an early morning trip to the playground (the aforementioned "paydown") on Saturday. These layers all came off about an hour later, when the temperature hit what seemed like 80 degrees. Another beautiful fall day!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jack Folds Five

Here's Jack banging away for his assembled audience of two, which he has conveniently placed on the sheet music ledge. This morning, he refused to play without their full and undivided attention. (Note the one-key chords.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Boy

From one day to the next, Jack can seem like more and more of a little boy. It just hits us. Here he is in his new Padraig Cottage slippers (from North Vancouver). Good call, Delaney!