Sunday, June 26, 2011


We're not sure who's idea this actually was, but one moment the kids (Jack and Maddie) were "painting" with water out of these buckets, the next they had dumped them and we're squealing at each other and putting the buckets on their heads.


Jack got his Fly on again yesterday (this time, in Bruno's sunglasses), but couldn't keep the act up for the camera - or maybe didn't want to. "A man will rise, a man will fall..."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



After strawberries came goats, cherries, and a tractor ride (the main event). Jack looks the seasoned farmhand in the middle photo, doesn't he?

Finger Pickin' Good


Jack took to strawberry picking almost as as much as he did strawberry eating, of which he did plenty en route to filling up his little red pail. Like Sal in "Blueberries for Sal" (or as Jack calls it, "Sal for Blueberries"), Jack ate umpteen berries for every one that went "kerplink" into his bucket. Note the tell-tale juice all over his chin and cheeks. Also note the key strawberry picking skill of "eyeing the row" before committing to it.

Cupcakes in the Park

Jack was none too disappointed to receive a late afternoon cupcake from Papou at Riverside park on Saturday. In a way, this reminds me of the old Diane Arbus photo of the kid with the grenade - only this one is its opposite number. Jack destroyed this sugar bomb in seconds, it seemed - efficiently rejecting only the cocount shavings that topped it, with a scrunch of his nose and a little "ptui."

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New York State of Mind

Jackie sampled the wares at old Zabar's today, en route to Riverside Park for a sweltry afternoon of nappin', baskethoops, and general mayhem on the playgrounds of the upper west side. Here Jack holds up a housemade Zabar's salami sample and says, "It's an umbrella! It's raining!" (Honestly.)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Giacomo Towers

Back by popular demand, here's Jack putting the finishing touches on "Giacomo Towers" - which of course was unceremoniously toppled moments after completion. Gonna be hard to get financing for these things.