Monday, December 6, 2010

Big Boy Do It, Part II

Jack was turned loose for the first time today at Whole Foods, which thankfully was pretty sparsely populated as he tore up and down the aisles, introducing himself to members of the Tenley team and helping himself to products that caught his eye (Niman Ranch apple cinnamon sausage, Whole Foods whole grain pancake-waffle mix, Veggie Pirate Booty, and Cheesy Bugs mac 'n' cheese). He insisted on walking not riding and he insisted on dragging, then carrying, the basket. The phrase he employed - as he does dozens of times a day now - was, "Big boy do it!" Here he is getting ready for the clean and jerk.

1 comment:

  1. Oh good Jack's learned to grocery shop. I've been searching high and low for someone to hire to do that task for me. What's his hourly rate?
